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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 733
Age : 43
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2007

And... Empty
MessageSujet: And...   And... Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Aoû - 13:49

Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle,
Don't grumble, give a whistle!
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

(the music fades into the song)

...always look on the bright side of life!

Always look on the light side of life...
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten!
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing,

When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps,
Just purse your lips and whistle -- that's the thing!
And... always look on the bright side of life...

Come on!

(other start to join in)
Always look on the bright side of life...

For life is quite absurd,
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow!
Forget about your sin -- give the audience a grin,
Enjoy it -- it's the last chance anyhow!

So always look on the bright side of death!
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.

Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true,
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you!

And always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the bright side of life

Les Monty Python dans La vie de Brian
Je l'ai ptet déjà mise, mais bon comme c'est ma sonnerie de téléphone, elle revient souvent !
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Nombre de messages : 733
Age : 43
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2007

And... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: And...   And... Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Aoû - 13:50

Je l'aime bien et c'est pas parce qu'il y a des "whistle" partout Smile
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Nombre de messages : 848
Age : 42
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 27/07/2007

And... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: And...   And... Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Aoû - 16:03

Et c'est ton chat qui répond à la fin de la sonnerie ?

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And... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: And...   And... Icon_minitime

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